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OB Teleflex Program Provides Exceptional At-Home Maternity Care

August 1, 2022

Tufts Medical Center's OB Teleflex Program brings the convenience of telemedicine to maternal care.

When Sarah Collins discovered she was pregnant with her second child, she wanted to receive the same exceptional care she'd had at Tufts Medical Center, while she was pregnant with her first son Aidan. The only problem? She and her family had moved from Boston to Hingham, making it a struggle to commute to appointments and manage childcare.

Fortunately, Sarah was introduced to Tufts Medical Center's OB Teleflex program, a comprehensive telemedicine program that saves maternity patients time and travel, while providing the same high-quality care that has made Tufts Medical Center one of US News and World Report's Best Hospitals for Maternity Care.

maternity care telemedicine

Patients who are considered low-risk are presented the option at their first obstetric hospital visit and the program currently serves 58 participants, ranging in age from 15 to 42. Enrolled patients are given a blood pressure cuff and a Doppler—a small easy-to-use device that allows the patient and clinician to measure fetal heartbeat. Patients who want a more traditional maternity care experience or those with higher risk factors, including hypertension or carrying multiples, can continue with a wholly in-person experience.

The OB Teleflex program embraces the growing popularity and accessibility of video platforms like Zoom with the expert patient-centered care of a traditional maternal health program. For those not quite comfortable with Zoom, the Teleflex program also allows patients and providers to use FaceTime, phone and even text message using a dedicated OB Teleflex phone line. If patients do need to travel to the hospital prior to giving birth, care is easily coordinated between providers.

Sarah delivered her daughter Brigid Róisín in May. Asked if she would choose the OB Teleflex appointment again, Sarah says "Absolutely. I had a more consistent relationship with my care provider. I also loved being able to text Jen [the program's Nurse Navigator] with questions rather than calling and waiting on hold. The highlight of the Teleflex program (which I brag to pregnant friends about) was when I was able to text a picture of medicines while I was in CVS to find out which one I should take for my cold symptoms. I also really appreciated being able to text questions when they came up in real-time, as opposed to writing down questions and waiting until my next appointment. I felt so well-cared for."

The OB Teleflex program is currently accepting patients with a low-risk pregnancy and would like the convenience of Zoom, call or text options. Interested patients can discuss with their OB or call Jennifer Roberts-Barry, OB Nurse Navigator for the OB Teleflex program at 617.636.5870.

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