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Substance Use Disorders + Outpatient Recovery Services

The road to recovery from a substance use disorder (SUD) is different for everyone, but treatment is available. We'll work closely with you to create a path based on your needs and unique circumstances and connect you with the support and resources you need for long-term recovery.

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SUD is treatable, and we can help

Managing SUD is a lifelong journey, but you can maintain sobriety with the right treatment and counseling. Your doctor can screen you for SUD and work with you to create a plan that fits your needs. People with severe SUDs often experience strong urges to use drugs or alcohol, even though they know it's harmful. In some cases, tolerance to the substance can lead to consuming larger amounts over longer periods, increasing the risk of overdose and death.

 It's common for people with SUD to avoid seeking help or think that they don't need it. However, recovery is possible, and many options are available for you or your loved one. We can help you connect with the right resources for your stage of recovery, so you can start your journey to a life free from substance use.

If you or someone you know is facing a substance use disorder (SUD), know that you're not alone and that help is available. SUD is a serious condition affecting many Americans yearly, but it's treatable. If you need immediate assistance, reach out to the Massachusetts Substance Use Helpline at 1-800-327-5050. 

Substance use disorder patient listening to peer during a group therapy session.
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SUDs, like many chronic medical illnesses, can range from mild to severe and even be life-threatening. It doesn't matter who you are, as SUDs can affect anyone regardless of age, race, gender, social group or how much money you have. It can even develop in children. These conditions can impact your behavior, decision-making skills, relationships with friends and family, physical health and more.

It's not always easy to recognize and break the use pattern, especially if you or someone you care about may be experiencing SUDs. Research shows that approximately half of individuals with SUDs also have a mental health disorder. If you or someone you care about is struggling, know that there's help available, and you're not alone. 

Substances that can be habit-forming include:

  • Tobacco
  • Alcohol
  • Cannabis (also known as marijuana or pot)
  • Stimulants (such as Adderall, methamphetamine, or cocaine)
  • Inhalants (such as spray paint, markers, glue and cleaning fluids)
  • Prescription opioids (such as oxycodone and morphine)
  • Nonprescription opioids (such as heroin and fentanyl)
  • Sedative hypnotics (such as Xanax, Valium, Ambien, and Klonopin)  


We are dedicated to assisting you in beginning your path towards a life free of opioids, medications and alcohol. Our focus is on delivering treatment resources that are customized to your individual requirements in a caring and encouraging setting.

In addition to a thorough assessment of your physical, medical and mental well-being, we may recommend other tests, including:

  • Blood tests
  • Urine tests
  • Screening tools such as Screening, Brief Intervention + Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) and Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST)
  • Psychiatric assessments


Seeking treatment for SUD can be challenging, as individuals who use alcohol, drugs or opioids may not recognize the need for help. However, early intervention is crucial. While there is no cure for SUD, we can assist you in accessing the necessary services and support to begin treatment, manage your disorder, and maintain long-term sobriety. These services include:

  • Medications for opioid use disorder (commonly buprenorphine, methadone or Vivitrol)
  • Medications for alcohol use disorder (Vivitrol, acamprosate)
  • Medications for stimulant/cannabis use disorder
  • Treatment of co-occurring psychiatric disorders like depression, anxiety, and PTSD
  • Detox referrals
  • Transportation to detox facilities
  • Recovery coaching
  • Outpatient treatment programs
  • Inpatient treatment programs
  • Therapy and counseling 
Anasuya Gunturi MD, PhD talks with patient at Lowell General Hospital's Women's Wellness Center clinic appointment.
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Family physician Sarwada Tuladhar Jha, MD talking to patient during exam at a clinic appointment and inputting health information at the computer.
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