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Funded Research

A list of current health literacy research initiatives.

Improving Medical Decision Making for Older Patients with End State Renal Disease

It is imperative to develop scalable and effective approaches to supporting persons with advanced kidney disease and their family caregivers. By providing video education tools to better inform persons making decisions about medical care and offering evidence-based options for kidney care, there is an opportunity to improve quality of life throughout the care trajectory.

Principal Investigators


  • April 2020 – present
  • National Institute on Aging


I Kua na’u “Let Me Carry Out Your Last Wishes” Advance Care Planning for Native Hawaiian Elders

Despite the rapid expansion of advance care planning (ACP) services in the health care system, Native Hawaiians consistently have negligible rates of ACP and low use of palliative and hospice care services. To address these shortcomings, our multi-disciplinary community and research group has partnered together to create the I kua na'u "Let Me Carry Out Your Last Wishes" ACP video intervention.

Principal Investigators


  • May 2020 – present
  • National Institute of Nursing Research



Improving Patient Recorded Outcome (PRO) Interpretation at the Individual Level for Patients with Cancer using Conversational Agent and Data Visualization

We will develop and evaluate an Embodied Conversational Agent – Patient-Reported Outcome (ECA-PRO) smartphone system that engages patients with interactive communication and empathy, while delivering standard PROs in a way that minimizes missing data and enables user- friendly visual sharing of results. The ECA-PRO system will create a strong foundation for PRO- based clinical decision-making. This novel system will be tested as a means to monitor symptoms and adverse events in patients with cancer receiving chemo- and/or radiation therapy, and to monitor medication adherence in patients taking oral medication for breast cancer.

Principal Investigators


  • March 2022 – present
  • National Cancer Institute



Advancing Medical Illustration in Patient Education Materials: From Art to Science

We will study different kinds of medical illustrations used in patient education materials to understand the impact these have on patient understanding and anxiety. We will also develop a conversational agent that can explain patient education documents to people, and evaluate different versions of the agent in an experiment to determine which version leads to the most learning.

Principal Investigators


  • September 2023 – present
  • National Library of Medicine



A Mobile Relational Agent to Enhance Atrial Fibrillation Self-care

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a morbid condition with profound social and medical costs. The proposed research is relevant to public health by promoting self-care in individuals with AF. The project aims to improve patient- centered care in a vulnerable cohort of patients with AF as measured by quality of life, adherence to anticoagulation for stroke prevention and healthcare utilization.

Principal Investigators


  • April 2020 – present
  • National Heart Lung and Blood Institute
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