This study will evaluate infant vision health based on the history of prenatal drug exposure. Data from this study will be used to create a new process which will include vision health as part of the discharge planning for infants with prenatal drug exposure admitted to Tufts Children’s Hospital
Infant Vision Health and Prenatal Drug Exposure
Single-Center Baseline Data on Vision Health in Infants with History of Prenatal Drug Exposure
Vision health
All genders
Recruiting now
Principal Investigator: Elizabeth Yen, MD, MA
Contact Us
Elizabeth Yen, MD, MA
Study details
Inclusion Criteria
- Any infants or children up to 5 years of age at the time of enrollment who had received care at TCH between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2020 related to their prenatal drug exposure
- Parents of infants/children with available phone numbers on the EMR (Soarian) and provide written or verbal consents to participate in the study (phone number is required because at the time of the study, these infants had already been discharged from TCH).
Exclusion Criteria
- Any parents of infants/children who did not consent to participate in the study
- Any infants/children and their parents whose phone numbers are not listed on the EMR.
- Any parents who are minors (18 years old and younger).
Study Requirements
This will be a one-time questionnaire conducted via phone with an estimated 15 minute duration for the entire questionnaire.