To determine whether these contributions of the Mineralocorticoid Receptor to vascular function and disease determined in animal models are also implicated in human vessels and to address the impact of sex, age, cardiovascular risk factors, and potentially race, which cannot be completely recapitulated in vitro or in mouse models.
Exploring the Role of the Mineralocorticoid Receptor in Human Vascular Disease
Exploring the Role of the Mineralocorticoid Receptor in Human Vascular Disease
Vascular diseases
All genders
Recruiting now
Principal Investigator: Payam Salehi, MD and Iris Jaffe, MD
Contact Us
Payam Salehi, MD PhD
Study details
Inclusion Criteria
- All patients who undergo above knee or below knee amputation at any of the three Tufts Medicine hospitals.
- Eligible subjects include men, women, all races, and elderly.
Exclusion Criteria
- Incompetent subjects.
Study Requirements
No additional study requirements for participating in this study.