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Triple Board Training – Program Leadership

The Triple Board Training program is led by our Director and supported by several Assistant Directors and Department Chairs.
Karen Saroca

Karen Saroca MD, MS
Director, Triple Board Residency Program
Attending Psychiatrist, Tufts Medical Center Department of Psychiatry
Attending Psychiatrist, Boston Children's Hospital
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry & Pediatrics, Tufts University School of Medicine
Lecturer in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

I’m from San Diego, CA. I completed undergraduate and graduate school in at the University of California, San Diego. I then moved to Philadelphia, PA to attend medical school at Temple University. I moved to Boston for Triple Board residency training and Tufts, and liked it so much that I stayed! I love that my job allows me to continue to teach and learn, and work with such a wonderful group of people. I was Associate Program Director for the Triple Board Program for two years, and am now happy to serve as the Program Director. My clinical work is in outpatient child psychiatry, child psychiatry consultation-liaison work at Tufts Medical Center and work in outpatient consultation to pediatricians through the MCPAP program. I am interested in cultural psychiatry, particularly with Asian and Asian-American populations. While not at work, I enjoy spending time outdoors, enjoying the city of Boston and the surrounding Northeast, and going to the beach.

Triple Board residency program assistant directors
Theodore Sectish

Theodore Sectish, MD
Director, Boston Combined Pediatric Residency Program
Vice Chair for Education
Boston Children’s Hospital
Professor of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School

Daniel Morehead

Daniel Morehead, MD
Director, General Psychiatry Residency Program
Tufts Medical Center Department of Psychiatry
Assistant Professor, (?)Tufts University School of Medicine


Neha Sharma

Neha Sharma, DO
Director, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship Program
Director, General Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic
Tufts Medical Center Department of Psychiatry
Associate Professor, Tufts University School of Medicine
Past Chair, Women in Medicine and Science Committee (WiMS)

Zheala Qayyum

Zheala Qayyum, MD, MMSc
Director, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship Program
Medical Director, Emergency Psychiatry Service
Boston Children’s Hospital, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

Chase Samsel

Chase Samsel, MD
Associate Director, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship Program
Medical Director, Psychiatry Consultation Service
Boston Children’s Hospital, Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

Department chairs
Brent Forester MD MSc

Brent Forester, MD MSc
Chair, Department of Psychiatry
Psychiatrist-in-Chief, Tufts Medical Center
Dr. Frances S. Arkin Professor, Tufts University School of Medicine

John Sargent

John Sargent, MD
Chief, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; Vice Chair, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Tufts Medical Center
Professor of Psychiatry & Pediatrics, Tufts University School of Medicine


Stacy Drury

Stacy Drury, MD MPH
Psychiatrist-in-Chief - Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
Boston Children’s Hospital 
Harvard Medical School

Gary Fleisher

Gary Fleisher, MD
Chairman, Department of Pediatrics
Physician-in-Chief, Pediatrician-in-Chief, Boston Children’s Hospital
Egan Family Foundation Professor, Harvard Medical School


Geoffrey G Binney, Jr

Geoffrey G Binney, Jr, MD, MPH
Pediatrician-in-Chief, Tufts Children’s Hospital
David and Leona F. Karp Professor, Tufts University School of Medicine

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