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POCUS + Simulation


Team-based simulation:

POCUS and Simulation

We offer a robust multi-disciplinary simulation curriculum for our residency program encompassing commonly encountered rapid response scenarios and cardiac arrests (code blues). Through this program, residents have the opportunity to gain code leadership skills, practice closed loop communication, and improve confidence and medical knowledge. Interested residents have the opportunity to participate in the simulation committee which provides leadership and teaching experience by proctoring cases and contributing to the curriculum. Each simulation is followed by a team debrief. Our resources include a simulation lab, a simulation technologist and a high-fidelity manikin.

Some sessions are planned ‘in-situ’ at various locations in the hospital, allowing our residents to practice in more real life setting.

This year, we are launching an intern simulation curriculum, focused on providing education to interns on commonly encountered pages to the bedside and rapid responses.


internal medicine Procedures


Interns complete a central line training course that includes didactics led by critical care and infectious disease faculty followed by hands-on simulation with manikins. Residents are also provided with a central line refresher course prior to their first ICU rotation of the year. In addition, there are several opportunities to perform procedures while on their ICU and ward rotations. Finally, residents have the opportunity to obtain additional procedural experience by rotating on the procedure service elective.


Point of Care Ultrasound Program

Intern POCUS Foundation Course:

All internal medicine interns attend a point of care ultrasound (POCUS) foundation course taught by POCUS-trained critical care faculty with standardized patients in our simulation center. We provide our interns with protected time (no clinical responsibilities) regardless of their rotation to attend all three 2.5 hour sessions.

Session 1: Basics of ultrasound + Vascular

Session 2: Cardiac Ultrasound

Session 3: Lung + Abdominal ultrasound (including IVC)


Resident POCUS Longitudinal Curriculum:

Residents have the opportunity to practice POCUS skills learnt during their foundation course in their second and third years of residency at our bi-monthly hands-on sessions. These sessions are lead POCUS-trained faculty and include small groups of residents working with patients. This is a great opportunity for our residents to be directly observed and receive feedback.

Residents receive additional POCUS teaching while on their ICU rotations with the opportunity to practice their ultrasound skills on several ward rotations. We have dedicated ultrasound machines for each intensive care unit, as well as one reserved for residents on the wards.

For more information, please reach out to Dr. Natasha Pradhan.


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