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Program Tracks + Resident Committees

Residents at Tufts have diverse opportunities to enrich their education tailored to their educational and career aspirations. Starting in their PGY-2 or PGY-3 year, residents can opt to join a Track. These Tracks provide residents with specialized skills and additional mentorship, focusing on research or scholarly projects within the specific content area of the Track. The program remains dedicated to expanding Tracks based on resident interest and fostering continued growth and development.
Internal Medicine Residents 2023
Clinician Educator Track

This unique track is designed for residents who are interested in pursuing a career in academic medicine as a clinician educator. Participants get a focused three weeks of didactics, workshops, and observation/teaching sessions on foundational concepts and theories in education from experts in the field during their second and third year of residency. Each participant is also paired with a primary mentor with experience in medical education scholarship who they work closely with on a scholarly project.

Educator Track

Clinician Educator Track Goals

  • Develop your skills as a scholar in the field of medical education research
  • Improve your teaching materials and skills
  • Increase exposure to leadership and mentorship in medical education
  • Developing your portfolio for a career as a clinician educator

Educational Sessions:

  • Adult Learning Theory
  • Learning Climate and Control of Teaching Session
  • Evaluation, Feedback, and Self-Directed Learning
  • Approach to a Struggling Learner
  • Technology in Medical Education
  • How to give a Chalk Talk
  • Peer Observation of Teaching
  • Small Group Teaching
  • Active Learning
  • Survey Design
  • Qualitative Research Methodology
  • Curriculum Development
  • Leadership in Medical Education
  • Medical Education focused Literature Reviews
  • IRB Training for Educational Projects

Current Ongoing Resident Scholarly Projects:

  • Development of Rapid Response Simulation for Interns
  • Development of GI focused Educational Curriculum for Residents
  • Development of Oncology focused Educational Curriculum for Residents
  • Development of EKG Teaching Curriculum for Medical Students Using Spaced Repetition
  • Development of High Value Care Curriculum for Residents

Past Resident Scholarly Projects:

Educational Evaluation:

  • Evaluation of Residency Feedback Culture (Poster presentation at the SGIM Conference in Colorado in 2023)
  • Evaluation of Code Status and Resident Decision Making

Development of IM resources:

  • Congestive Heart Failure Management Handbook (specifically for the CHF service at Tufts MC)
Educator Track 2

Development of Curricula:

  • Development of Ambulatory Palliative Care Curriculum
  • Pharmacologic Weight Management for Resident Primary Care Clinic
  • Structured Didactics for Resident ICU Education
  • Addiction Medicine Curriculum for Medical Residents
  • Intern Wellness and Resiliency Curriculum
  • Point-of-care Ultrasound Curriculum for Internal Medicine Residents
  • Goals of Care Discussions with Non-English Speaking Chinese Patients (Poster presentation at the World Research Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care, 2022)
  • Interactive Curriculum for IM interns to Prepare for Inpatient Wards (Oral presentation at New England Chapter of SGIM, 2019)
  • Interactive Text-Message Based Curriculum for Board Review (Poster presentation at the annual SGIM meeting in Birmingham AL, 2020)


  • Development of Informed Consent Curriculum for Residents
  • Development of Liver Transplant Workshops and Handbook
  • Interactive Musculoskeletal Shoulder Exam for residents
  • Managing Inflight Medical Emergencies (Poster presentation at the annual SGIM meeting in Washington DC, 2019)
  • Physician Advocacy for Third Year Medical Students

For more information, please contact Dr. Taimur Dad

Ambulatory Track

The Ambulatory Track is open to any rising second- or third-year resident interested in increasing their experience and training in primary care or other outpatient subspecialties.

internal medicine ambulatory track


  • One or two 2-week-primary care or subspecialty ambulatory electives scheduled during second and third year beyond the core primary care clinic blocks.
  • For residents interested in primary care, rotations through subspecialty clinics that are valuable for primary care training including:
    • Dermatology
    • Orthopedics
    • Physical Therapy
    • Diabetes clinic
    • Pharmacy clinic
    • Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • For residents interested in ambulatory subspecialty clinics, rotations through
    • Subspecialty of choice during elective weeks
  • Elective rotation if desired in our Quincy satellite practice to gain experience in a community setting
  • Additional Primary Care CME Conferences

Mentorship in Ambulatory Track

All residents applying to primary care positions after residency will have dedicated career mentorship and advice on the job application process with several events planned throughout the year including:

  • A career panelist dinner
  • Guidance in creating a CV and cover letter
  • Tips for interviewing
  • Guidance with contract negotiations
ambulatory track
Research Track

Mission/Purpose: The Research Track is designed for residents with a passion for clinical research, aiming to equip them with the necessary skills to conduct meaningful projects during residency and pursue careers in academic research. Those in the track form a community to nurture and advance each other's individual research agendas.

Participants: 4-5 residents/class. Participants will be selected through an application process starting in January of their intern year. This track is tailored for residents who envision research as a central component of their professional trajectory.

Track Features:

  • Longitudinal Research Support: Bi-Monthly hour-long research progress meetings where residents provide updates on projects, practice presentations and get feedback and advice on current projects.
  • Longitudinal Professional Development: Bi-monthly hour-long didactic sessions alternating with research progress updates to enhance residents' professional growth.
  • Biostatistics/Informatics Bootcamp: Residents will participate in a week-long bootcamp focusing on biostatistics and informatics, conducted in half-day sessions to allow for independent research.
  • Protected Research Time: Residents will receive 4 weeks of dedicated research time (including bootcamp).

Committees and Leadership

Residents at Tufts have the opportunity to engage in a variety of residency program, GME, and hospital-wide committees, enabling them to actively participate in and influence the Tufts community. These committees offer valuable leadership roles that align with residents' interests and career aspirations. We enthusiastically welcome the formation of new resident-led committees based on their specific interests. Here are a few examples:

IM Program committees:

  • House staff committee
  • Wellness committee
  • IM Simulation committee
  • Program Evaluation committee
  • Resident Education Committee
  • Resident Recruitment Committee
  • Women in Medicine Committee

GME committees for residents:

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion subcommittee
  • Graduate Medical Education committee
  • Accreditation subcommittee
  • Resident Leadership Council

Hospital-wide committees with residents:

  • Central-line associated bloodstream infection committee (CLABSI)
  • Women in Medicine and Science committee
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