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Newsroom Free Use Policy

Tufts Medicine provides web stories, health tips, quizzes and other content found in the News + Media section of our website for reuse - free of charge – as a public service for journalists, schools, businesses and the general public for the purpose of health education, awareness and wellness. We encourage the use of our material, unedited, for web and print distribution. The content available for use is identified by the words “FREE FOR EDUCATIONAL USE” at the bottom of the story.

We ask that you simply let us know you have used our material by sending us an email to our Media Relations manager: Jeremy Lechan. We can also send you a clean Word document of the story.

The content provided on this website should not be construed as medical advice or used for treatment purposes and is NOT intended to replace consultation with a qualified medical professional.  It should be used for general educational purposes only.

As a non-profit health organization, we do not grant permission for reprints, links, citations or other uses of our data and analysis that in any way imply that Tufts Medicine endorses a cause, candidate, issue, party, product, business or religion.

Because of privacy and/or copyright issues, photographs on this site may not be used without the expressed, written consent of Tufts Medicine. To request a photo or video and to obtain high resolution format, please write to our Media Relations manager: Jeremy Lechan. Any use of our materials that includes our logo must also be approved in writing ahead of time.

This permission to access our content applies only to stories on the News + Media page and not to the rest of our website, which is under copyright.


Use the content found at News + Media labeled as “Free For Educational Use” on a website or in a newsletter, newspaper, handout, or elsewhere for the purpose of medical education. (Note: if the copy contains links, you should continue to link to outside sources. Tufts Medicine cannot give permission to republish outside source material).


Use our photos or videos

Use the Tufts Medicine and affiliated logos


Let us know if you use our material. Contact Jeremy Lechan, our Media Relations Manager.

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