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Long Distance Danger: Blood Clots

June 29, 2021

Blood clots can be caused by sitting for long periods of time. We asked Dr. Iafrati to explain how to prevent blood clots while traveling.

Millions of people travel long distances each year and some face a very serious threat. Those travelers sitting for long periods of time (four hours or more) could be at risk for blood clots or deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in the legs.

Probably the most significant contributor to DVT is immobility.

While DVT can occur in people riding in cars, trains or buses for hours at a time, the higher risk for these blood clots tends to be with long-haul flights of seven hours or more. The cramped quarters with limited ability to move, reduced pressurization, lower oxygen levels, plus a higher tendency to dehydrate, as contributors to the risk.

DVT can, if untreated, have a high risk of serious complications. Those could be, in the long term, destroying the veins in your legs, resulting in all sorts of problems. But also, if the clot breaks free, it could go to the lungs, resulting in pulmonary embolism (PE), which can be fatal.

Increased Risk

Clotting is a normal function of blood, which prevents excessive bleeding when a vessel is injured or damaged. Clots are always being made and removed by your body. The problem comes when the fine balance is disturbed and excessive clot formation occurs. Deep vein thrombosis is a blood clot in a deep vein, usually in the legs. The abnormal clot blocks the return of blood to the heart through these veins.

How common is DVT?

In long-haul flights, if you are not taking any special precautions, in the average population, it is probably up to about ten percent. Some of the risk factors may include:

  • Age (65+)
  • History of blood clots
  • Genetic disposition
  • Overall health
  • Limited mobility
  • Dehydration

Any combination of these factors could put a long-distance traveler at a higher risk.

Symptoms of DVT + PE

For some travelers in whom DVT occurs, there may be no symptoms at all. When traveling, watch out for swelling in the legs, unusual leg pain or tenderness, and redness of the skin or skin that is warm to the touch. Sometimes a firm “cord” can be felt in the back of the calf or inner portion of the leg when a superficial vein is clotted.

It is very common to be tender and achy and swollen from an airplane trip. The biggest clue that there is something to worry about would be asymmetry. If one leg is worse than the other, that’s a real trigger that something is going on, like a DVT.

And if DVT becomes a pulmonary embolism, symptoms tend to come on suddenly. Watch for problems breathing, chest pain and coughing. Don’t wait. Get medical attention immediately. A pulmonary embolism could be fatal.

Treating DVT

The ultrasound is the gold standard diagnostic exam, however, it is not always readily available.

Treatment for deep vein thrombosis involves blood thinners and fortunately, advancements have made the treatment easier. For years, blood thinners were given intravenously for several days while an oral blood thinner was administered overlapping for typically three to five days in the hospital.

Things changed dramatically about a decade ago when an injectable therapy, low molecular heparin, became available, which allowed the use of twice-daily injections to replace IV infusions for the initial management of DVT or PE. Even more recently, novel oral anti-coagulants (NOACS) have been developed which allow effective and rapid blood thinning with pills alone and no injections or IVs in most patients.

Reducing the Risk

Education about DVT is the best way to reduce the risk during long-distance travel. Know the symptoms and talk to your doctor ahead of time.

The key to lowering your risk of DVT is to move!

  • Get up and walk around or, at least, extend your legs or keep your feet up to improve blood flow.
  • Avoid crossing your legs
  • Wear compression stockings. These special socks put pressure on your legs to keep blood moving. Compression stockings can reduce your risk of DVT on long-haul flights by up to ten-fold.
  • Stay hydrated. Dehydration causes blood vessels to narrow and blood to thicken. Avoid alcohol or caffeine.

Whether for business or pleasure, knowing how to avoid your risk for a blood clot during long-distance travel, can make for a safer, more pleasant trip.

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